Artist In Residence: Ilke de Vries
Ilke De Vries (°1981 Belgium) lives and works in Antwerp. She is fascinated by what drives people in their lives. Her video installations allow people to speak about their feelings, their vulnerabilities and turning points, which are often barely visible or ignored in society. Through intensive collaboration, she creates experimental and documentary video installations, video films or audio installations together with the participants. On the one hand, personal thoughts, behaviors and actions are depicted in a serene manner, but on the other hand, the themes are universally recognizable with a critical and sometimes confrontational undertone.
Text from atelierarthurrogiers
The Residency (2024): “De Oversteek”
“De Oversteek” is a spatial audio story that follows the journey of a nearly blind person, immersing the listener in their experience.
The piece was created for a specialized spatial audio environment with 80 speakers at ASIL/IPEM (De Krook), affiliated with Ghent University. It was presented on the Day of Science on November 24 2024.
The project was developed in collaboration with a group of blind and visually impaired individuals from Markgrave vzw in Antwerp, with contributions from various participants and experts. The narration was voiced by Evi Rosiers, and philosophical discussions were integrated into the creative process.
“De Oversteek” serves as an initial presentation and is part of an ongoing research project.
Markgrave vzw te Antwerpen